Interview with henk de vries (the bulldog) and ben dronkers (sensi seeds)
Check out this interview with two legendary icons of the Dutch cannabis scene: Henk de Vries and Ben Dronkers.
It might be hard to imagine, but The Netherlands has not always been such a tolerant country as it is now. Until the end of the 1970s, weed and hashish were categorized the same as drugs such as opium and LSD, and it wasn’t until 1980 that the Dutch government changed its policy and started what is now known as a policy of tolerance.
There are a few people that had an instrumental part to play in changing the history of legalization in the Netherlands. Henk de Vries, founder of The Bulldog coffeeshop in Amsterdam, and Ben Dronkers, founder of the legendary seed bank Sensi Seeds, are two of these people.
During the latest edition of Cannabis Liberation Day in Amsterdam, we had the unique opportunity to hear these two icons of the Dutch cannabis scene being interviewed by Derrick Bergman, chairman of the VOC (Verbond voor Opheffing van het Cannabisverbod, a legalization group in The Netherlands). In the interview, they describe how they started in the seventies, why they got arrested almost on a daily basis, and how the Dutch coffeeshop scene grew into what it is today.
Check out the video that was uploaded by Cannabis News Network (CNN) - a marijuana news channel on YouTube.