5 tips on how to get the smell of weed out of anything

Cannabis certainly does smell, and the smoke can eventually make just about anything smell a bit skunky and stale. Here are some methods for getting rid of the lingering weed smell.
It’s no mystery that the smell of weed is very distinct and easy to detect. The smell of the burning flowers or fresh buds growing upon a plant are equally as obvious. Of course, in areas where the herb has been liberated from ignorant prohibition, this aromatic delight isn’t too much of an issue. However, in regions where the plant is still illegal, smokers might want to minimize the smell for privacy purposes.
Of course, smoking weed is very often done in the comfort of one’s home, and some people like hotboxing a car. So, regardless of your location, it’s likely that your clothes, your car and your surroundings will smell a bit funky after a while.
Prevention is always better then cure. The most simple options include lighting scented candles and incense sticks as a means of masking the odor. Keeping a window open will also allow the smoke to leave the room, but will of course emit the smell into your local area.
Small, hand-held filters known as sploofs can also be used to exhale smoke into. More extreme but effective methods include using an air purifier.
But how to get rid of the smell that has really penetrated your house or car over time if you have to move out of your appartment or want to sell your car for instance?
If you didn’t manage to keep the smell out of home while smoking, you might need to get rid of it afterwards. Starting with cleaning your walls.
Before beginning the wall cleaning operation, cover up the carpet and all pieces of furniture in the room so as to protect them from the products being used. Old bed sheets are a great tool to use for this.
Now that your room is protected, you can start cleaning the walls. It’s best to start out by removing all of the dust and cobwebs that build up in the corners and along the skirting boards. Use a brush, broom, or vacuum cleaner to do so.
To clean the walls, whip up a cleaning solution comprised of warm, soapy water. The addition of distilled white vinegar will also help to thoroughly clean your walls. Fill one bucket up with the solution and one with water.
After applying the solution, rinse with the water. This method can be applied to both painted and wallpapered walls, however, some wallpaper may not tolerate vinegar as well, so test a small section first.
One great way to go about cleaning the carpet is to sprinkle baking soda on it and let it sit for a day or two. This can then be vacuumed up. If you spot any smoky, smelly, or stained areas, you can use a spot cleaner. These can usually be purchased in cans and sprayed directly onto the affected area.
If the smell on your carpet is particularly bad, then you can also shampoo it. You can purchase a carpet shampooer for this job, or simply rent one for the occasion. Once the room is cleaned and the furniture removed, use the machine to push a shampoo solution into the carpet and to suck up water.
Fully ventilate the room after the operation to allow it to dry out adequately. To make absolutely sure that no skunky cannabis aromas remain, you can run over the carpet again with a 50-50 mix of white vinegar and water, using the same machine and drying process.
Start off by dusting all furniture. Furniture that is made of wood, metal, or plastic is going to be fairly easy to clean. Just use a compatible soapy solution and wipe them down occasionally. Make sure you opt for a cleaning agent that won’t damage or degrade the materials your piece of furniture is constructed out of.
Furniture that has a fabric layer can be a bit more complex. Sometimes this layer can be removed from the cushions and simply put in the washing machine to clean. Other parts might have fabric that is not removable. Just like with a carpet, baking soda can be applied to this and left for a day or so and then vacuumed up.
A homemade solution of dishwashing liquid (natural options being preferred), water, white vinegar, and baking soda can also be applied. Dip a sponge into the formula and wipe down smelly areas.
Some carpet cleaning machines also have furniture attachments—a good option for a thorough cleaning.
To begin the process of cleaning your car, start by giving your vehicle a full-on scrub down. Get out the vacuum cleaner once again and remove all of the dirt, weed particles, and small pieces of rubbish from your car. Next, wipe down all of the hard surfaces with a soapy solution to remove any traces of the dank.
When it comes to the seats, leather and vinyl surfaces can be cleaned with the same method used on the harder surfaces. However, if your seats are coated with fabric, you can sprinkle baking soda and activated charcoal on these surfaces to let sit for a while; this should help to reduce and remove the smell of cannabis. Once left for a period, vacuum up these powders.
Carpet cleaning products can be used on the carpets of the car and then scrubbed. Try not to soak the carpets excessively as this can lead to mildew if not dried correctly. Let the car dry by keeping the windows open for a while and blast the fans for a bit to speed up the process.
To eradicate the weed smell from your clothes, put them into the washing machine and add a cup of our trusty companion, vinegar. Wash the clothes on the highest temperature that the fabric in question will allow.