5 tips to safely test the potency of cannabutter and edibles

If you are new to consuming or making edibles, it is imperative to discover your tolerance and test the potency of your cannabutter/oil. Here are 5 simple tips for making this process a breeze.
More and more people are buying and eating edibles and experimenting with alternative methods of enjoying cannabis as for many people nowadays, smoking in any form is just not an option. If you are of the anti-smoking mindset, edibles are a great replacement.
However, these delicious treats require cannabis infused butter, oil, or an extract of some kind to work. Dosing can therefore be tricky, and in some cases, potentially dangerous if taken in excessive amounts.
Whenever using products containing cannabis concentrate/oil, it is highly recommended to find out the potency before buying or making edibles of your own.
Edibles are great, but can have unintended effects. If you are not careful, you could have an unwanted reaction even before you feel any effects, which can take 30-120 minutes in some cases. The uptake of THC via the digestive system varies from person to person and can prolong the high up to eight full hours. This why it is important to be cautious.
Here are 5 tips for testing your cannabis oil and butter.
If your cannabis oil or butter has already been decarboxylated and infused, the next step is to homogenise it so the THC gets distributed equally.
Simply heat the substance on very low heat until liquefied; stir gently and thoroughly until mixed well. After, place the oil in clean, dry ice cube tray and put in the freezer. Storing this way helps to separate your oil into small, handy portions that can be easily used later. It will also last longer.
Because ingesting edibles can be a bit unpredictable, the next thing you want to consider is timing. Picking the right place and time to test your edibles is crucial to your success. Many people are most comfortable in the privacy of their own home.
Try to make sure you have set aside enough time to test the effects after eating your edibles. You'll want to give yourself at least several good hours where you don't have to be anywhere or meet with anyone who is not also partaking.
Make sure to plan on not driving, operating machinery, or attempting complicated home projects. Ideally, you want to create a calm, peaceful environment. Try using candles, reading a good book, or listening to your favorite music; these are always excellent ways to achieve a positive mood.
Given the nature of edibles, it’s best to start with a very small portion of oil, for instance, using ⅛ teaspoon in a cup of hot tea or milk with honey. If you don't feel any effects after two hours, stop and try again the next day, this time using ¼ teaspoon. Continue this pattern until you achieve the desired effect.
It is crucial to follow these guidelines when starting out using edibles and cannabis oil. It is important to remember that edibles kick in a lot slower than smoking weed for instance.
Often, first-timers will complain they don't feel anything and increase the dosage recklessly. Unfortunately, when the THC does kick in, they can get too high, disoriented, and in some cases, frightened. By taking your time to test your limits, you can easily avoid this common mistake.
Because ingesting cannabis oils can surprise you, maintaining a calm and peaceful attitude is of the utmost importance. Some people have reported feelings of extreme confusion and panic caused by edibles.
We can't stress enough how essential it is to pace yourself. Although you should experience a great high that lasts much longer than smoking cannabis, if you ingest too much, you can find yourself having an overwhelming or “bad” trip.
If you do accidentally "bite off more than you can chew," don't worry, no one has ever died from an overdose of THC. At worst, you will feel disoriented for a while, and in that case, there are things that can help you come down if you’re too high.
The best thing to do is drink plenty of water and lay down somewhere quiet and peaceful. Some people say chewing black pepper or drinking lemon juice helps as well. But most important is to simply do your best to relax.
If you have tried repeating the daily experiment and still are not feeling any effects, one of two things might be happening. First, it could be that the batch of oil is not very potent, and in that case, try a new batch and repeat the same process. Remember, any cannabis concentrate that has not been heated or “decarboxylated” first will not induce a psychoactive high.
If this isn’t the issue and you still can’t notice any effects, it’s possible you are one of the select few that are unaffected by eating marijuana, or what’s called a non-responder. Some people experiences strangely minimal effects from edibles and if this seems to be your experience, try looking into other THC delivery methods, such as vaping or topicals.