Can you smoke weed from an ordinary tobacco pipe?

Smoking weed can be done in many ways and with all sorts of paraphernalia. But if you have nothing at hand, can you use a classic tobacco pipe?
There are many ways to smoke your weed. Joints, vaporizers, and bongs are of course some of the favorites. However, if you don't have any specialized equipment at hand, is it possible to simply use a tobacco pipe you may have lying around?
The simple answer to whether you can use a simple tobacco pipe to smoke marijuana is yes. You can smoke cannabis from pretty much anything if you put your mind to it.
From aluminium cans to apple-pipes, when it comes to smoking weed, we’ve seen just about anything. Remember the video of the girl trying to get stoned with a 100 different (some very creative) devices?
A tobacco pipe may not be as well suited as a cannabis pipe, but it can certainly work, and well.
Although we personally haven’t seen anybody use an old skool tobacco pipe for ages, chances are that some parents or grandparents still have one lying around somewhere. And while this might be your friend if you’re desperate, there are some minor drawbacks.
You may for instance find that the bowl might be too big on some pipes to use it as effectively as you would like. As you probably don’t have a screen that fits the bigger bowl, you may also need to clean it more often.
Usually a pipe or a bong that is made for smoking weed has a carb hole on the side. When you first hit the pipe, you cover this hole with your finger or thumb, drawing smoke into the pipe as you do with a normal pipe.
Then when the pipe is full, taking your finger off the hole allows air to rush into the pipe, pushing the smoke into the lungs and allowing the pipe to completely empty of smoke.
As the construct of a normal tobacco pipe is a bit different to a cannabis-focused pipe, there is no carb hole.
If it is an old and used pipe, it may of course also smell/taste of tobacco.
If the minor facts above don't bother you all that much, then a tobacco pipe may be the perfect way to smoke your weed when in need! So don't think too much about it, and just try it yourself.
And if you don’t have one lying around, then you can always get creative and build one yourself.