Legal status of marijuana in the state of wyoming

Legal status of marijuana in the state of wyoming
Adam Parsons

Find out about the legal status of medical and recreational marijuana in the state of Wyoming. Is marijuana illegal? Better safe than sorry!


The state of Wyoming has a medical marijuana law that was signed in 2015, but is basically unusable.

The law allows the use of CBD oil (defined as "hemp extract") with a THC percentage lower than 0,3% and a CBD percentage higher than 15% for patients with a recommendation of a certified neurologist.

However, patients in the state of Wyoming have no ways to obtain such medicines as there is no provision that allows the production or the sale of CBD products. A patient should then cross the states borders to obtain it in a different state but as this is illegal according to the federal laws, this is not really an option.

The only qualifying conditions for which a patients can get a recommendation from a licensed physician to become a medical marijuana patient in Wyoming is:

  • Intractable epilepsy


The cultivation, sale, and possession of cannabis for recreational purposes are illegal in Wyoming.

Getting caught for possession of cannabis in Wyoming is no fun, as any amount will get you into serious trouble. Heck, you can even get arrested for being under the influence of marijuana and get send to jail for up to 6 months and get a fine of up to $750.

Getting caught with 3 oz (85 grams) or less is seen as a misdemeanor in Wyoming and can land you in jail for up to 1 year and get you a fine of up to $1,000.

Possession of more than 3 oz of cannabis is seen as a felony and can be punished with a jail sentence of up to 5 years and get you a fine of up to $10,000.

We are not aware of any possible law changes in the (near) future in Wyoming regarding medical and/or recreational cannabis.

Adam Parsons
Adam Parsons

As a professional cannabis journalist, author, and copywriter, Adam has been writing about all things psychoactive, CBD, and everything in between for a long time. In an ever-changing market, Adam uses his BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism degree to keep in stride with contemporary research and contributing worthwhile information to all of his projects.